Dell Enterprise SONiC L2 Spine-Leaf Deployment
"Layer 2 Spine-Leaf" is a great architecture for most small data centers. If the data center only has a few racks of equipment, it's often unnecessary to build a more complex design. In its most basic deployment, all gateways are SVIs (VLAN interfaces) on the spines. Multi-tenancy can be achieved by using VRF-lite and putting a firewall in to stitch the VRFs together.
This is part of a series of building data center fabrics with different network operating systems.
- Part 1: Layer 2 Spine-Leaf
- Part 2: Layer 3 Spine-Leaf with VXLAN
- Part 3: Layer 3 Spine-Leaf with EVPN-VXLAN
- Part 3: Layer 3 Spine-Leaf with Dual Data Center
- Using MC-LAG for port-channels down to leafs
- All spine<>leaf connections are 802.1Q trunks
- Three links between spines, one port-channel for the peer-link, one link for the keepalive
Disable ZTP
sonic login: admin
Last login: Wed Nov 29 17:34:36 UTC 2023 on ttyS0
Linux sonic 5.10.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1 (2023-01-21) x86_64
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admin@sonic:~$ sonic-cli
Zero Touch Provisioning discovery in progress. Please disable ZTP or logout.
sonic# configure terminal
sonic(config)# no ztp enable
Mar 26 13:49:39.660718+00:00 2024 sonic WARNING sonic-ztp[3150]: Received terminate signal. Shutting down.
Zero Touch Provisioning discovery in progress. Please disable ZTP or logout.
Mar 26 13:49:40.665128+00:00 2024 sonic INFO sonic-ztp[3119]: Process pid 17315 returned with status 15.
At this point, the sonic systems restart and it takes a minute. Then, you'll need to get back into sonic-cli.
Basic admin config
admin@sonic:~$ sonic-cli
sonic# configure terminal
sonic(config)# hostname SONiCx
Broadcast message: Hostname has been changed from 'sonic' to 'SONiC1'. Users running 'sonic-cli' are suggested to restart your session.
sonic(config)# lldp enable
Spine Configuration
Configure the MC-LAG and downstream port.
!! Configure MCLAG Peer-Link and Keepalive
interface PortChannel1 mode active
description "MCLAG PEER LINK"
no shutdown
interface Ethernet0
description "MCLAG PEER LINK A"
channel-group 1
no shutdown
interface Ethernet1
description "MCLAG PEER LINK B"
channel-group 1
no shutdown
interface Ethernet4
description "MCLAG KEEPALIVE"
no shutdown
ip address
!! Configure MCLAG Domain
mclag domain 1
peer-link PortChannel1
keepalive-interval 1
session-timeout 30
delay-restore 300
!! Configure link to Leaf
interface PortChannel3 mode active
switchport trunk allowed Vlan 1-4094
no shutdown
mclag 1
interface Ethernet7
description "LINK TO LEAF-03"
channel-group 3
no shutdown
# show mclag brief
Domain ID : 1
Role : standby
Session Status : up
Peer Link Status : up
Source Address :
Peer Address :
Session Vrf : default
Peer Link : PortChannel1
Keepalive Interval : 1 secs
Session Timeout : 30 secs
Delay Restore : 300 secs
System Mac : 50:00:00:01:00:10
Mclag System Mac :
Leaf Configuration
interface PortChannel1
description "Uplink to Spine"
switchport trunk allowed Vlan 1-4094
no shutdown
interface Ethernet0
channel-group 1
no shutdown
interface Ethernet1
channel-group 1
no shutdown
interface Vlan 10
!! access ports for test devices
interface Ethernet2
switchport access vlan 10
Building a basic MC-LAG layer 2 leaf-spine on SONiC is quite easy and a great solution for small DCs.